With the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Before I write any further, I believe some warm, welcoming words are in order.

Ahlan wasahlan.
Selamat datang.

And the list goes on.

I would like to welcome you this this humble blog of mine. One that has been long overdue, way too long, thanks to my this-can-wait attitude. I, myself am confused as to why I have this bad side but hey, I guess everybody's got one, no?

I am of the opinion that when you write something, it will leave a trail. It's like reading a novel; you stop reading at a particular chapter and you just can't wait to know what is going to happen to every character that there is in the novel. Everything is unexpected, much like the Games of Thrones. Nonetheless, you keep reading and somehow, you can remember every single thing that had happened in the previous chapters while trying to relate to the current episode.

And so I would like to leave my trails everywhere. And why I hope that I will be consistent in keeping this blog alive (fingers crossed). And so I wish that my writings would somehow benefit us; me and you readers, no matter how big or small it would be. I honestly hope that the trails that I leave will become ones in which you acquire and vice versa. And of course, you bringing in others to this blog with those trails you pick. Meramaikan readers. Teehee.

Let the trailing(s) begin!