There’s not a single human being living in this very world who is perfect. Everyone was born with his or her weaknesses. Should there be anyone who claims to be perfectly perfect, then you can say that he is perfectly insane. There was no one Allah had created without even a tiny flaw – a flaw which, in any way, can really benefit another’s life.
Ingat tak kisah Imam Al-Ghazali dengan anak muridnya? A story which I think is quite popular amongst us. There were 6 questions asked by Imam Al-Ghazali to his students; from whom he received so many answers, answers which are true but yet, not the exact ones. Being one of those is:
Apakah benda yang paling tajam dalam dunia?
Serentak kan semua anak murid beliau menjawab pedang. Benar, kata Imam Al-Ghazali, tapi hakikatnya yang paling tajam ialah lidah. Lidah manusia. Kerana hanya dengan lidah, manusia yakni kita dengan sangat2 mudah boleh menyakitkan hati atau melukai perasaan saudara kita sendiri samada kita sedar, sengaja ataupun tidak. *don't blame me. ayat melayu memang macam ni. haha*
I truly believe to my deepest core that everyone had at least once, said something very bad it made their friends felt so sad and angry that they wanted to punch them in the face. Or spit. Or say those blasphemy words. Or kick their legs. Or smack them down on the wall. Or to just let the like-a-shattering-glass and broken feelings inside, keeping it a secret no one will know. Not until the moment they let them out.
And for me, I was, am really am trying not to be the latter.
Kadang-kadang dengan kawan pun kita boleh terasa kan? Memang tak dinafikan, kawan tu tak semestinya memahami kita. A little bit, yes but fully, no! Hanya sahabat yang mampu sampai ke tahap itu. So, we can’t really expect our friends to be okay with us all the time. Salah aku rasa untuk fikir macam tu. Yes? It’s because some of our acts or words could really hurt, without us noticing. Sentaplah. Dan aku masih ingat malam tu.
p/s: only certain people can really understand this whole entry. btw, passkey mintak dekat i okay uolss? =)
To my concern, I cannot forget that moment however hard I try to. It’s really tough, that feeling when you are hurt by your own friend’s words. Be it sensitive or over reacting, this is me. I can shut my mouth up, but not everybody else’s. Lantak lah apa orang nak kata and I don’t give a damn. Because I am not perfect.
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