Saturday, May 16, 2015

Cara Melabur Dalam Unit Amanah


Kali ini saya nak kongsi tentang cara anda boleh mulakan pelaburan dalam unit amanah. Senang sangat sebenarnya. Ada dua cara pelaburan iaitu melalui wang tunai ataupun KWSP. Senang kan? :)

1) Wang Tunai
     Kalau melabur dengan cara ni, anda boleh buat dengan dua cara.

Satu: secara lumpsum
Kedua: secara lumpsum + simpanan berkala.

Untuk kedua-dua cara ni, jumlah permulaan ciput je yakni RM 500. Cuma bezanya untuk simpanan berkala, anda ada pilihan untuk simpan setiap bulan dengan nilai minimum RM 200 melalui potongan auto debit daripada bank pilihan anda. So kalau bank anda CIMB, akan tolak daripada CIMB lah. Bank lain yang termasuk adalah Maybank, BSN, EON, RHB dan bank-bank lain/MEPS.

Tuntasnya, kalau dengan wang tunai, minimum jumlah permulaan adalah RM 500 dan boleh tambah setiap bulan sebanyak RM 200. Jadi kalau nak simpan lebih lagi pun, dipersilakan. Tak dihalang malah dialu-alukan. Hehe.

    Pelaburan ikut cara ni lain sikit dan akan dijelaskan dalam post yang lain. Cuma kalau guna KWSP ni, pelaburan akan dinilai dan ditolak daripada akaun 1. Ada syarat-syarat yang nak kena layaklah sebelum boleh melabur guna duit KWSP. Jadi macam yang saya cakap tadi, insya-Allah akan diperincikan dalam post lain.

Kalau ada apa-apa pertanyaan, jangan malu jangan segan. Sila-silalah hubungi saya secepat mungkin, okay? And I do wish this post has benefit you in many ways.

Abdul Latif Omar Ali
Unit Trust Consultant

Terima kasih banyak lah sudi baca!

Methods of Investing in Unit Trust


In this post, I am going to explain how easy it actually is for you to start investing in unit trust. Either you do it with cash or via KWSP. Like I told you, it's super easy, like deadly easy, no? :)

1) Cash
     There are two ways in which you can achieve this

The first is a lumpsum method.
Second is the combination of lumpsum + regular savings.

Both of them require a teeny-tiny amount of money as an initial which is RM 500. You also have the option to go for a monthly investment of no less than RM 200 which will be automatically deducted from your account. Maybank, BSN, EON, RHB dan other banks/MEPS are included in the list of choice and obviously CIMB is preferred. No bias here. :)

In short, you will need at least RM 500 to start off your investment and you have the option to do a regular investment of RM 200 or even more. These amounts are not capped; meaning that you can put in as much money as you wish. And you are very welcomed to do so because I would advise you to do so. It is certainly a good news, innit?

    Investing via KWSP is a wee bit different. The investment will be taken directly from Akaun 1 however there are pre-requisites to which you qualify for before we can proceed with the investment. Insya-Allah, I will explain this further in the next post, hopefully.

Should you have any enquiries, do not hesitate to contact me. I do wish this post has benefit you in many ways.

Abdul Latif Omar Ali
Unit Trust Consultant

Thank you for reading!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Kenapa Anda Perlu Melabur Dalam Unit Amanah


Mungkin sekarang anda dah tahu atau sekurang-kurangnya mendapat sedikit idea tentang unit amanah ni. Kalau belum, boleh klik sini untuk baca sedikit pengenalan tentang unit amanah.

Kenapa anda perlu melabur dalam unit amanah ni? Jawapannya senang je, ia mampu untuk memberikan pulangan yang lebih tinggi iaitu sebanyak 10 - 15% secara purata. Tapi kena ingat, unit amanah ni bukanlah skim cepat kaya kerana ianya bersifat jangka panjang iaitu sekurang-kurangnya 3 tahun dan ke atas. Jadi, kenalah simpan paling minimum 3 tahun untuk mendapat pulangan 10 - 15% tu. Kalau tak, ada kemungkinan pelaburan anda mengalami kerugian ataupun hanya dapat untung yang ciput je.

Benda pentingnya dekat sini ialah bila melabur dalam unit amanah ni, kena ingat yang pelaburan mestilah untuk jangka masa panjang. Ingat: jangka masa panjang. Barulah dapat nak nikmati pulangan tinggi tu. Ye, memang normal orang nak untung banyak dalam sekelip mata, tapi tak ada benda dalam dunia ni yang boleh bagi macam tu. Melainkan kalau join skim cepat kaya. Contoh banyak kat Malaysia ni dan yang paling popular ialah Skim Pak Man Telo. Berapa ramai yang tertipu dengan jumlah 'pelaburan' mencecah puluhan juta, Tapi habuk pun takde. Senang cakap, nak kaya ni perlukan masa yang panjang, ilmu serta medium dan strategi yang betul.

Ada banyak syarikat kat Malaysia ni yang menguruskan unit amanah. Setakat bulan March 2015, ada 37 syarikat yang menawarkan khidmat pelaburan dalam unit amanah. Antaranya ialah CIMB-Principal Asset Management Bhd, Kenanga Investors Berhad, Amanah Saham Nasional Berhad and Public Mutual Berhad. Nak tau yang lebih tu boleh try tengok kat sini.

Jadi, jangan tunggu lagi. Mulakan pelaburan anda sekarang! Hubungi saya untuk maklumat lanjut.

Abdul Latif Omar Ali
Unit Trust Consultant

I really hope that this post has benefit you in many ways.
Thank you for reading.

Why You Should Invest in Unit Trust


Probably by now you have understood, or by the least, have the slightest idea of what unit trust is all about. To those of you who have not, you can read about it here.

As per the title, why you should start investing in unit trust? Well, simply because it can yield an average return of 10 - 15%, higher than other means of investment. But, it is unequivocally not one of those get-rich-quick schemes since it is a medium to long term investment where you have got to allow the money to grow for no less than 3 years. In other words, unit trust is capable of yielding an average return of 10 - 15% given that the money is let to grow for at least 3 years. Investors risk reaping so little return or worst, having a depreciation in investment value if the investment is redeemed within a short period of time.

And so, the key to investing in unit trust is medium to long term. Emphasise on medium to long term. By then you can savour the very sweet taste of that high return. Undoubtedly, it is in our greed to get as much return or profit in the fastest time possible but go anywhere and you shall find your endeavour fruitless. Unless if you invest in any get-rich-quick schemes. There have been many cases of said schemes but the Pak Man Telo Scheme seemed to top everything. Thousands of incautious so-called investors with hundreds of millions of 'investment' and what did most of them get in return? Not a single penny. Simply put, there is no shortcut to get your hands down in piles of money; it needs a considerable amount of time, ample knowledge as well as having the correct channel and strategies.

In Malaysia, there are a bunch of companies offering you the opprtunity to invest in unit trust; exactly 37 companies as of March 2015. Amongst them are  CIMB-Principal Asset Management Bhd, Kenanga Investors Berhad, Amanah Saham Nasional Berhad and Public Mutual Berhad. Should you feel curious to know more, do check out here.

So, wait not any longer and start your investment now! Do not hesitate to contact me for more information.

Abdul Latif Omar Ali
Unit Trust Consultant

I really hope that this post has benefit you in many ways.
Thank you for reading.